Área Reservada
O pré-amplificador KX-R Twenty é o resultado de 20 anos de investigação e invenção
Controle de volume com "variable gain transconductance" (VGT). A inovadora fonte de energia AyreLock utiliza a reguladores de voltagem com elevada capacitância, resultando em potentes dinâmicas musicais.
Optimizations of the current mirror and addition of the Ayre Diamond output stage impart such a stunning sense of realism that you will be captivated from the first note. The resolution of detail and ultimate sense of refinement you will discover in the KX-R Twenty both come from hundreds of hours of listening tests, allowing us to choose the absolute best part for every critical area along the audio circuit. Finally, following our mantra that everything matters, we have explored each detail in the audio path from circuit trace length to part orientation and have included processes which many would consider fanatical, pushing this preamplifier to the brink of perfection.
Acabamento do painel frontal e chassis em alumínio sólido, cor natural ou preto